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Check out the Benefits of Rice Water for Your Face and How to Prepare It

Not many people know the benefits of rice water for the face. If you always throw away used rice washing water, reconsider this habit, because the water that is considered dirty is actually very good for facial skin beauty. The benefits of rice water for the face can not be underestimated. Because the rice water is rich in gamma-oryzanol content which is known to be able to protect the skin from damage caused by UV exposure. So, it is not surprising that much rice water is used as a cosmetic base ingredient.

Various Benefits of Rice Water for the Face

The following are the various benefits of rice water for the face that you need to know:

1. Brighten the skin

Washing your face using rice water is known to brighten the skin. This is because the content of gamma-oyzanol in rice water can make facial skin look brighter.

2. Remove black spots

In addition to lightening the skin, rice water can also be used to remove black spots on the face. The content of vitamin E in rice water is believed to be able to fade pigmentation on the skin, although its effectiveness still needs to be further investigated.

3. Prevents premature aging

Washing your face using rice water is believed to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. The content of vitamin E in rice water is known to inhibit the process of premature aging.

4. Overcoming acne

Starch contained in rice water is believed to be able to overcome acne. In addition, starch in rice water is also useful as a natural remedy for treating atopic eczema. However, its effectiveness is unclear and research is still needed to ensure this benefit.

How to prepare rice water for the face?

There are several ways you can choose to get rice water that can be used in facial treatments, namely:

Soaking rice

Soaking rice is the easiest way to get rice water. The steps are as follows:
  • Take ½ cup of rice.
  • Wash thoroughly.
  • Add rice to the bowl and add 2-3 cups of water.
  • Let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Strain the rice water into a clean bowl.
  • Rice water is ready to be used on the face.

Perform the fermentation process

The next way to get rice water is to do the fermentation process. To get rice water fermentation, do the first 3 steps in the rice water immersion section. Next, soak the rice for two days in a cool place. After that, strain and store rice water into a clean bowl, then use it on the face.

Cook rice

You can also get rice water for facial treatment by cooking rice, how to:
  1. Add ½ cup of rice to the pan.
  2. Add water twice the usual amount when you cook rice.
  3. When the rice and water boil, strain the rice water into a clean bowl.
  4. Cool the rice water filter, then use it on the face.
There are indeed a variety of benefits of rice water for the face, but you still have to be careful in using it, especially if your skin is sensitive. You should consult with a dermatologist before using rice water for facial treatment.


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