Spiritual intelligence is one of the dimensions in human health that is formulated in addition to physical and mental health. Spiritual intelligence can be described as a form of human effort in finding hope, meaning, and calm in his life.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are three important components which are definitions of health based on the concept of actual healthy living, including physical health, emotional health, and social welfare. However, in recent years, some experts have added spiritual intelligence as one of the balancing factors of the three basic concepts. This type of intelligence can actually be seen based on the activity of the human brain when doing things that are beneficial to the health of his soul, for example just meditating or worshiping.
Spirituality is closely related to health because basically the body, mind and spirit are interconnected. Health in one aspect will have an impact on other health aspects. Some studies have even found that positive thinking and the strength found by humans from religion also contribute to human healing and health. Although spiritual intelligence is considered as an important component in life, but it is difficult to be translated into indicators that can be measured scientifically.
Characteristics of Spiritual Intelligence
Generally, someone who has high spiritual intelligence will have the following characteristics:- Having self-awareness, knowing what is the value in his life, what he believes, and what motivates him.
- Able to overcome problems according to the principles and beliefs held.
- Respect diversity and refuse to use violence against others.
- Feel the need to understand the root of the problem and have a tendency to ask basic questions.
- Being able to realize the relationship between objects and various phenomena that are happening.
- Being able to have and hold fast to your own beliefs that might be different from most people.
- Have a better stress response and management.
- Have a good self-awareness.
- Able to take advantage and meaning from everyday experience.
- Able to use spiritual resources to solve problems.
- Virtuous.
Tips for Practicing Spiritual Intelligence
Every person has a unique and different calling in life and spiritual awareness. But the purpose is the same, namely to seek a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Each person has a different way to achieve spiritual intelligence, for example through prayer, meditation, positive affirmation of oneself (affirmations), singing spiritual songs, reading inspirational books, vacationing in the open, to doing voluntary activities. Some of these tips might help you practice spiritual intelligence:- Reflecting on the meaning of life.
- Following social service activities. Participating in charity activities for others can provide an opportunity for you to meet people who have similar inner calling.
- Willing to accept and open up to changes in life.
- Doing good to others, both known and unknown, no strings attached.
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